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Silverline Capital is now in active investment mode

February 2, 2022

At the beginning of 2022, Silverline Capital started direct investments in Bulgarian companies at a mature stage of development, which through the appropriate mix of equity and debt (mezzanine) financing, could realize their potential for exponential growth.

The Fund successfully completed the first closing of a BGN 83.7 million, financed by public resources under the Operational Programme Innovation and Competitiveness 2014—2020 (OPIC), co-contributed by the European Regional Development Fund, as well as private resources provided by proven Bulgarian entrepreneurs and investors.

The fund is managed by professionals with more than 85 years of combined experience in private equity and C-level management and three successfully realized funds behind them. The team has accumulated significant expertise in transactions in Central and Eastern Europe totaling more than € 200 million and includes successful entrepreneurs and investors from the Bulgarian ecosystem such as Evgeni Angelov, Lloyd Schultz, Diana Aladzhova and Marina Buchova.

Evgeni Angelov says: “The diverse profile of the team allows us to contribute to the development of companies, both in terms of strategic planning and building a corporate structure that will help them to achieve the expected business growth.”

The fund will invest primarily in vital sectors of the economy with growth potential and ambitious entrepreneurs with proven business models. With these investments, the team will aim to support the establishment of Bulgarian and regional leaders in various industries, helping companies to overcome the challenges of growth and develop their full potential.

Silverline Capital will support 10 small and medium-sized enterprises with investments ranging between BGN 4.9 million to BGN 13.7 million, structuring transactions with equity and hybrid instruments (mezzanine).

Diana Aladzhova adds: “Access to alternative financing through Silverline is a new engine of growth for larger companies in advanced development. Through alternative tools, companies can realize their high potential for growth by having investment solutions tailored to their specific business model and strategy. ”

The fund is actively considering investment opportunities in companies from various industries that have proven their products / services in at least one market and realize annual turnovers of at least BGN 6 million.
